Possible Marvel releases for the future.

Possible Marvel releases for the future.

To the joy of its fans, Marvel announced, last Thursday (1st) its schedule of releases until 2022. The dates, so far, do not have a definite title, as the company works in the mysterious phase 4 of the Universe Marvel Cinematographic (UCM) and should make some announcement soon.

The company announced a total of six dates for the years 2021 and 2022: May 7, July 30 and November 5, 2021; and February 18, May 6 and July 29, 2022 (Note: these are the release dates in the United States).

Remember that all 2019 dates are already filled: Captain Marvel (March 8), Avengers 4 (May 3) and the Spider-Man sequel: Back Home (July 5). 2020 also has three days (May 1, July 31 and November 6), but there is still no definition of its titles. We only know that Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 must occupy one of them.
Taking all that information into account, check out below which movies could occupy all of these nine dates that are vague in Marvel's release schedule:
9) Black Panther 2

One such date will undoubtedly be occupied by the Black Panther sequel, which has already become a huge public and critical success. The film is only two weeks into theaters, but has grossed just over $ 700 million at the box office.
Most of the solo film sequences of Marvel heroes range from two to three years. The biggest time difference that has already occurred is four years, which happened with Thor: The Dark World, 2013, and Thor: Ragnarok, from 2017.
Now that the Black Panther has become one of the great heroes of Marvel, we can bet that the sequence, which still needs official confirmation, should debut on the dates of May 1 or July 31, 2020 or May 7 or July 30, 2021.
8) Spider-Man 3

Another very likely hypothesis is that a third Spider-Man movie can occupy any of these dates released by Marvel. Spider-Man: Returning Home premiered on July 7, 2017, and the sequence arrives almost exactly two years later, on July 5, 2019.
So, we can bet that July 30, 2021 is the most likely date of a third movie's release. May 7 of the same year is another viable option.
7) Doctor Strange 2

Marvel has the habit of letting the same directors take over their franchises (James Gunn with the Guardians of the Galaxy is a good example). Scott Derrickson, who directed Doctor Strange, is expected to return to the sequel to the wizard's solo movie. "I would love to do Strange Doctor 2. Let's see what happens," said the director.
We already know that Stephen Strange, played by Benedict Cumberbatch, will be important for the course of the UCM, since it will appear in Avengers: Infinite War and Avengers 4.
Doctor Stranger has raised $ 700 million at the box office and his involvement with the upcoming Avengers films should only further increase his popularity. Which means that Strange Doctor 2 is only a matter of time.
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His solo movie was released in November 2016 so we can bet that November 6, 2020 or November 5, 2021 are the most likely dates.
Marvel Studios CEO and President Kevin Feige has already said he wants to make a sequel to Doctor Strange. However, as the company's focus is on the next six films, the sequel must still take some time to start production.
6) Captain Marvel 2

Oscar-winning actress Brie Larson will make her franchise debut as Captain Marvel in nearly a year on March 8, 2019.
Since she is the only Marvel heroine to have a solo film, the company will need a figure to rival DC Wonder Woman.
Shortly after her introduction in her solo film, Captain Marvel will take a bigger step in the franchise soon after, as she will also participate in Avengers 4.
We can already bet that a sequence should be released in 2021 or 2022, probably in the month of May.
5) Black Widow

Since the beginning of the year, we have been hearing rumors that the Black Widow, finally, should win her so requested solo movie.
The film is still in its early stages of development and still needs Marvel's "green light" to be made official. But screenwriter Jac Shaeffer has already met actress Scarlett Johansson, the heroine's interpreter, to discuss some ideas for the film.
Some rumors have stated that the film would be released in 2020. So, May 1, July 31, and November 6 are the most likely dates.
4) Thor 4

Chris Hemsworth, Thor's interpreter, finished recording Avengers: Infinite War and Avengers 4 in January, which also marked the end of his contract with Marvel. But he said that Thor: Ragnarok reinvigorated his interest in continuing to play the hero.
"If I had the opportunity to do it again, I think I'd like it," say and the actor. So far, the solo films of Marvel's heroes are no more than trilogies, as this allows for more appearances in other films, such as Avengers. And Thor would be the first solo franchise to have four movies. Ragnarok director Taika Waititi has already said he would also like to make another hero's film. If we take into account that the character and his mythology have been rejuvenated, Thor 4 should not be discarded.3) Man-Ant 3 Soon after Avengers: Infinite War, Ant-Man and the Vespa will be Marvel's next release, which will take place in July this year. year. Unlike other examples, one clue that the duo may have a promising future in the franchise is that Disney will open an attraction to the Ant-Man and the Wasp in Disneyland of Hong Kong, which is an indication that the company has plans for the two superheroes. See also: Black Panther has caused a hole in the Marvel Universe's timeline? Three years have passed between the two films of Man-Ant. If Marvel maintains this idea, we can bet that the Ant-Man sequence and the Vespa must be released on May 7 or July 30, 2021.2) Avengers 5We are tired of knowing Avengers: Infinite War and Avengers 4 will be a kind of "Completion" of the UCM, according to Kevin Feige himself, while also will be an "introduction" to the new phase of the franchise. Vingadores 4 will be the climax of all the stories that have been told in this decade of franchise films. After that, Marvel has already stated that he can even do team-lengths, but on a smaller scale. This means that a fifth Avengers movie may well be considered for the future. If Marvel likes the idea, we can kick it May 6 or July 29, 2022 could be the dates chosen.1) X-Men and the Fantastic Four In late 2017, Disney announced the purchase of Fox for the US $ $ 52.4 billion, which would make the X-Men, the Fantastic Four and Deadpool return to Marvel's hands. They should be part of the UCM once the regulatory buying process ends in the United States. Unless some sort of deal has happened underneath the cloths, Marvel could only start working officially on the X-Files -Men and the Fantastic Four just at the end of this year. And it's worth remembering that December is the minimum deadline for the regulatory process, which should take 12 to 18 months to complete. At worst, Marvel could only get started to work on the two franchises starting in the second half of 2019. We can consider the possibility of the films being released in 2021, but the dates of 2022 are the most likely.
) Ant-Man 3

Soon after Avengers: Infinite War, Ant-Man and the Vespa will be Marvel's next release, which will take place in July this year.
Unlike other examples, a clue that the duo may have a promising future in the franchise is that Disney will open an attraction to Ant-Man and Vespa in Disneyland of Hong Kong, which is an indication that the company has plans for the two superheroes.
See also: Black Panther caused a hole in the time line of the Marvel Universe?
Three years have passed between the two Ant-Man films. If Marvel maintains this idea, we can bet that the Ant-Man sequence and the Vespa should be released on May 7 or July 30, 2021.
2) Avengers 5

We are already tired of knowing Avengers: Infinite War and Avengers 4 will be a kind of "completion" of the UCM, according to Kevin Feige himself, while also be an "introduction" to the new phase of the franchise.
Avengers 4 will be the climax of all the stories that have been told in this decade of franchise films. After that, Marvel has already stated that he can even do team longs, but on a smaller scale.
This means that a fifth movie of the Avengers may be, rather, considered for the future. If Marvel likes the idea, we can kick that May 6 or July 29, 2022 could be the dates chosen.
1) X-Men and the Fantastic Four

In late 2017, Disney announced the purchase of Fox for $ 52.4 billion dollars, which would make the X-Men, Fantastic Four and Deadpool return to Marvel. They should be part of the UCM once the regulatory procurement process ends in the United States.
Unless some sort of deal struck underneath the cloths, Marvel could only start working officially on the X-Men films and the Fantastic Four just later this year.
And it's worth remembering that December is the minimum deadline for the regulatory process, which should take 12 to 18 months to complete. At worst, Marvel could only start working on the two franchises from the second half of 2019 .
We can consider the possibility of the films being released in 2021, but the dates of 2022 are the most likely.
