Although Marvel Studios has built its unified cinematic universe very well, it still manages the areas of each superhero. That means we can separate the heroes into categories. For example, Iron Man and Ant Man do not have superpowers, but have special outfits to fight evil. On the other hand, Spider-Man and Captain America, enter the category in which they are human, however, have superhuman abilities. Already Thor, Strange Doctor and the Guardians of the Galaxy are more into the cosmic side of the story.
With the addition of Captain Marvel, the cosmic team will gain even more reinforcement and importance within the cinematic universe. And while Thanos does not come to unite all these categories in the cinema, then we focus our attention on the most powerful cosmic characters in comics. Check out!
8 - Capitã Marvel
Carol Danvers brings together the best of the human race and Kree. After gaining its powers, it becomes capable of flying, projecting energy, gaining physical strength and durability. Your weaknesses are more connected to your human side. The character had problems with alcoholism for a while. However, in recovering from the bad phase, she returns more confident and powerful than ever. Captain Marvel was once leader of the Alpha Troop, as well as leading defense teams to protect the Earth from invaders.

7 - Raio Negro

The king of the Inhumans is not royalty by chance. He was exposed to Terrigenous Mist even while in his mother's womb. His voice is one of the most powerful weapons within the Marvel Comics universe. A whisper can do more damage than any human bomb. Precisely for this reason, the king lives in absolute silence, communicating himself only through sign language. Despite all this power coming from her voice, it is not her only weapon.
Its powers work through your body, processing ambient energy and giving you high level of energy manipulation. And because it is inhuman, it has a naturally stronger body, as well as greater agility, speed and durability. In addition, of course, to be trained in hand-to-hand combat. Black Ray is probably one of Marvel's most powerful cosmic kings.
6 - Quasar
Quasar is a mantle that has already been used by various identities. The most popular is Wendell Vaughn, who to take on the role need to use quantum wristbands. Such accessories allow it to manipulate energy and form pure constructs from it. Similar to what the Ring of Power allows the Green Lanterns to do, for example. Vaughn, unlike his predecessors, had a strong connection to the bracelets, giving him impressive control over his powers and making him more powerful than the standard.
5 - Nova (Richard Rider)
In events known as Annihilation, Nova's powers have reached another level. The New Troop was exterminated by Annihilator, being Rider the only survivor. He then begins to carry within his mind all the legacy of his planet, in addition to acquiring the Global Mind of Xandar. He becomes one of the few people who have chances against Annihilator.
4 - Bill Raio Beta
Bill was one of the few characters who proved himself worthy of wielding the Mjolnir. After refusing to kill Thor, Odin gives him the grace to have his own cosmic weapon. That way, Bill starts to load the known hammer with Stormbreaker. Since then, he has appeared from time to time, so powerful with the last few times. Such a clay was attached to its genetically modified body, which further increased its strength and power.

3 - Gladiador

One of the oldest beings in the Marvel Comics universe, Gladiator is original to the planet Strontia. His powers are basically the same as Superman's, ie super-strength, speed, heat vision, freezing breath, invulnerability, flying. However, what differs from other heroes is their source of power, which comes from their faith. Gladiator is often portrayed as a being almost impossible to be defeated.

2 - Surfista Prateado

What makes Silver Surfer so powerful is the arrest of Cosmic Power. It allows the character both to absorb and manipulate cosmic energies throughout the universe. He is able to travel through space through dimensional barriers at the speed of light. Thanks to him, his strength is immeasurable and turns him into an almost indestructible being.
1 - Capitão Universo
The Captain Universe is created from Unipoder and its sole purpose is to defend existence. Also known as Force Enigma, this was of wave energy through the universe and merges with another body when necessary. The person becomes a kind of host and becomes so powerful that he is able to create other lives. Captain Marvel is more to a Cosmic God.
Do you agree with the list? What other cosmic characters do you think should be present? Share your opinion with us.
